Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Focus for Today

Focus on only the good things people have done today.
Usually there is a pattern to the readings or healings I do in one day.
Yesterday's subject "disappointment in others"

Disappointment in others and the hurt and anger caused is created by not having one's expectations met.

Many of you have heard me say... I believe that there are a lot of good  people in this world.
Yes, there is always going to be useless, selfish, rotten people in this world. Everyone has experienced hurt and been let down by someone we've cared for.

Hear this...

If you focus on the people that have burned you or abused you, you will keep attracting the same situations and the same type of people. This is the energy you are putting out.
Like attracts like.  We are channeling the same energy to reproduce the same result and the more focus and energy we put into something, the more power we feed it.
 In other words, the universe lovingly creates the one thing we don't want since that is our belief and focus.

I use the word focus  loosely.. .
One doesn't have to focus on a particular thing all the time, but if it is part of your core belief system (fixed)  that you get screwed over all the time or that people are rotten,  then it is a priority belief that is inherent in your subconscious which will inevitably
create your reality.
This is the  "Law of Attraction."
"What you sow you reap."

Today look for the best in people. It's so easy to focus on the negative.

Intentionally seek out wonderful attributes and good will in those around you!